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martes, 29 de octubre de 2019

BOBBY (BLUE) BLAND .masive info musics ( not in discogs or others ).The king of blues-soul,and father of one of the absolute top blues & soul albums

 many thanks Bruyninckx & Ernst for the info

 if you want me to remove the information leave message and remove immediately


Real name : Robert Calvin Bland. Born in Rosemark, Tennessee, January 27, 1930.

as Robert Bland with Rosco Gordon's Band : Bobby Bland (vcl-1) acc. by Willie Sims, Willie Wilkes (saxes) Rosco Gordon (p,vcl-2) John "Murry" Daley (d)

Memphis, TN., August 1951

U-7397 Crying (1) Chess 1489

U-7398 A letter from a trench in Korea (2) -

Note : A recording date of December 4, 1951 given in previous discographies is most likely the one of the


Rest of above session (recorded by Sam Phillips) by Rosco Gordon.

Saxes-1 ???dixit juke 47p87

as Robert Bland (vcl) acc. by Billy Adolph Duncan, unknown (ts-1) Ike Turner (p) Matt Murphy (g) Willie Sims or Earl Forest (d) ensemble vcl & handclaps on (2) bass present?? Voir Secret box

Memphis, TN., c. November 1951

MM-1735 Crying all night long (1) Modern 848, Globe (Jap)VIP-5008,

History Of Soul (E)SOUL004

MM-1736 Dry up baby (Dry out baby*) (2) Modern 848, Globe (Jap)VIP-5008, Proper

Note : Above two titles also on Polydor (E)2383257, Ace (E)CHAD265 and CDCHD265, Secret (E)SECBX025 (a 4-

CD set credited to Ike Turner).

History Of Soul (E)SOUL004 is a 2-CD set entitled "Wade in the water – A Soul chronology 1", rest

by other artists.

Proper (E)INTROCD2048 entitled "A Proper introduction to Ike Turner/Jackie Brenston - Rocket 88",

rest by Jackie Brenston, Ike Turner and other artists acc. by Ike Turner's band (see also January

24, 1952).

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Junior Parker (vcl-1,hca) Johnny Ace (p) Matt Murphy (g) Earl Forest (d)

Memphis, TN., c. January 1952

Drifting from town to town (take 1) Ace (E)CHAD265, Fantastic Voyage


Drifting from town to town (take 2) Kent KST9002, Pol (E)2383257,

Musidisc (F)AB-5602, Ace (E)CHAD265,

United US7718, 7779, Fantastic Voyage


Love my baby (Love me baby*) (1) Kent KST9002, United US7779, Ace

(E)CHA216, (E)CHAD265, (E)CDCHD265*,

Cascade (E)CBOXCD3-1*, Fantastic Voyage

(E)FVDD117, (E)FVDD138

Note : Ace (E)CHA216 entitled "The fifties : Juke joint blues", rest by other artists. Reissued with two

bonus titles by Walter Horton and Jimmy McCracklin on Ace (E)CDCH216.

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD117 is a 2-CD set credited to Johnny Ace.

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD138 is a 2-CD set credited to Junior Parker.

as Robert Bland (vcl) acc. by Ike Turner Orchestra : Ike Turner (p) Matt Murphy (g) Willie Sims or Earl Forest (d)

Memphis, TN., January 24, 1952

MM-1825 Drifting from town to town (Drifting*) Modern 868, Kent 378*, Crown CLP5238,

CLP5358, Globe (Jap)VIP-5008, Fuel 2000

302 061 345 2

MM-1826 Good lovin' (Love you baby*) (Love you

yes I do**) Modern 868, Kent 378*, Crown CLP5238,

CLP5358**, Cascade (E)CBOXCD3-1**,

Proper (E)INTROCD2048

Note : Kent 378 issued as by Bobby "Blue" Bland with unknown ts overdubbed.

Above two titles also on Polydor (E)2383257, Ace (E)CHAD265 and CDCHD265, Secret (E)SECBX025.

Fuel 2000 302 061 345 2 entitled "The Modern Records blues story", also issued as part of Fuel 2000

302 061 454 2 ("Autentic blues") who conjoins Fuel 2000 302 061 345 2 and Fuel 2000 302 061 209 2

("The USA Records blues story").

"Bobby Blue" Bland with The Beale Streeters : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by Adolph "Billy" Duncan (ts) Johnny Ace (p) prob. B.B. King (g-1) prob. George Joyner (b-1) Earl Forest (d)

Memphis, TN., poss. July 21, 1952

ACA2266 I.O.U. blues Duke R-105, Ace (E)CHD220, MCA

MCAD2-10665, Fantastic Voyage


ACA2667 Lovin' blues (1) Duke R-105, Ace (E)CHD220, MCA

MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-596-2,

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD117

Note : MCA MCA-088-112-596-2 entitled "The anthology".

Bobby "Blue" Bland with Johnny Board and his Orchestra : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown as, Johnny Board (ts) unknown (vib – poss. Onzie Horne)Johnny Ace (org-1,p-2), b, Earl Forest (d)

Memphis, TN., August 1952

ACA-2286 No blow no show (1) Duke 115, Ace (E)CH41, MCA MCAD2-

10665, Ace (E)CDCHD302, Retroworld 166,

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD117

ACA-2287 Wise man blues (2) Ace (E)CH41, (E)CDCHD302, MCA MCAD2-

10665, Documents (G)233168, Fantastic

Voyage (E)FVDD117

Note : Rest of above session by Johnny Ace.

Documents (G)233168 is a 52-CD box entitled "ABC of the blues", rest by Bobby Bland and other


Retroworld 166 is a 6-CD box entitled "Big box of blues", rest by Bobby Bland (February 1955 and

1957) and other artists.

Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by 2 saxes, p, organ, g, b, d, vibes

Memphis, TN., August 1952

ACA-2335 2288?? Army blues Duke 115, Ace (E)CH41, (E)CDCHD302,

MCA MCAD2-10665, Fantastic Voyage


Down by sea (unissued)

Travelin' -

Natural fool -

Note : The organ is heard very faintly.

as Bobby "Blue" Bland/Bill Harvey Orchestra : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp, as, Bill Harvey (ts) unknown (p) Roy Gaines (g) unknown b and d voir lead

Houston, TX., February 22 and/or 26, 1955

ACA-3097 Lost lover blues Ace (E)CH41, MCA MCAD2-10665

ACA-3098 It's my life, baby Duke 141, DLP72, DLP86, Ace (E)CH41,

MCA 27032, MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-

596-2, Retroworld 166

ACA-3099 Honey bee Ace (E)CH41, MCA MCAD2-10665

ACA-3100 Time out Duke 141, Ace (E)CH41, MCA MCAD2-


Note : Rest of above session(s) by Junior Parker.

Most of the first pressings from Duke 146 to Duke 402 were labeled as by Bobby "Blue" Bland, then

on the later pressings they were issued as by Bobby Bland.

Entire session on Ace (E)CDCHD302 and Documents (G)233168.

Bobby Bland/Bill Harvey Orchestra : Same as previous but unknown bar added

Houston, TX., April 22, 1955

ACA-3222 You or none (alt take) MCA MCAD2-10665

ACA-3222 You or none Duke 146, MCA MCAD2-10665

ACA-3223 Woke up screaming - , Ace (E)CH41, (E)CDCHD302,

MCA MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-596-2,

History of Soul (E)SOUL002

A million miles from nowhere MCA MCAD2-10665, Ace (E)CDCHD302,

Documents (G)233168

Note : History of Soul (E)SOUL002 (2013) is a 2-CD set entitled "Where Southern Soul began 1954-1962",

rest by Bobby Bland (January 22, 1957 and 1960) and other artists.

Bobby "Blue" Bland/Bill Harvey's Band : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp's, Bill Harvey (ts) unknown bar, p, Clarence Hollimon (g) unknown (b) Sonny Freeman (d)

Houston, TX., March 20, 1956

ACA3332 You've got bad intentions Duke 153, DLP86, Ace (E)CH41, (E)

CDCHD302, MCA MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-

596-2, Documents (G)233168

ACA3333 I can't put you down, baby Duke 153, DLP86, Ace (E)CH41, (E)

CDCHD302, MCA MCAD2-10665

Bobby "Blue" Bland/Bill Harvey's Band : Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp, tb, ts, bar, Onzie Horne (p) Clarence Hollimon (g) unknown (b) Sonny Freeman (d)

Houston, TX., May 7, 1956

FS-3008-1 I don't believe Duke 160, DLP86? Ace (E)CH41, (E)

CDCHD302, MCA MCAD2-10665, Documents


FS-3009-1 I learned my lesson Duke 160, DLP86? Ace (E)CH41, (E)

CDCHD302, MCA MCAD2-10665

Bobby "Blue" Bland with Bill Harvey's Orchestra : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by Connie Mack Booker (p) Clarence Hollimon (g) Hamp Simmons (b) Sonny Freeman (d)

Houston, TX., January 22, 1957

FR-3022 I smell trouble Duke 167, DLP72, DLP84, ABC/Duke 92-

2, MCA2-4172, Ace (E)CH41, (E)

CDCHD302, MCA MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-


FR-3023 (I) Don't want no woman Duke 167, DLP74, Ace (E)CH41, (E)

CDCHD302, MCA MCAD2-10665, History of

Soul (E)SOUL002

Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by Bill Harvey (ts) unknown (p) Pat Hare (g) unknown (b) Sonny Freeman (d) Joe Scott Singers (vcl group-1)

Houston, TX., 1957

FR-3028 Sometime(s) tomorrow (1) Duke 170, DLP72, ABC/Duke 92-2, MCA

24172, MCAD2-10665

FR-3029 Farther up the road Duke 170, DLP72, DLP-73, DLP84, Ace

(E)CH41, (E)CDCHD302, Goldies 45-

1484, ABC 784, Fairway BBB-1400, MCA

MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-596-2,

Retroworld 166, Universal 20886,

Jasmine (E)JASCD520

Note : Duke 170 = Regency (Can)676.

Duke DLP-73 (= ABC/Duke DLPX-73) entitled "Like 'er Red hot", rest by Bobby Bland (1959) and other


Jasmine (E)JASCD520 is a 2-CD set entitled "Shake, rattle and roll – R & B greatest hits, 1953-

1958", rest by other artists.

Universal 20886 (= Universal (E)531 142-1) is a 2-CD set entitled "The best of Bobby "Blue" Bland".

Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown ts, p, prob. Clarence Hollimon (g) Hamp Simmons (b) unknown (d)

Houston, TX., 1957

FR-3052 Bobby's blues Duke 182, DLP77, Action ACLP6009,

Charly (E)CRB1049, MCA MCAD2-10665,

Ace (E)CDCHD302

FR-3053 Teach me (How to love you) Duke 182, Rounder LP2031, MCA MCAD2-

10665, Ace (E)CDCHD302

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp, as, bar, p, prob. Clarence Hollimon (g) unknown b and d

Houston, TX., 1958

FR-3058-3 Loan a helping hand Duke 185, DLP72, Charly (E)CRB1049,

MCA MCAD2-10665, Ace (E)CDCHD302

FR-3059-3 You got me (Where you want me) Duke 185, DLP72, Stompin' (E)104,

MCA MCAD2-10665, Ace (E)CDCHD302

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by prob. Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson, Floyd Arceneaux (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) Bobby Forte, Jimmy Beck (ts) Teddy Reynolds (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) Sonny Freeman (d)

Houston, TX., 1958

FS-3082 Last night Duke 196, MCA MCAD2-10665, Ace (E)

CDCHD302, Documents (G)233168

FS-3083 Little boy blue Duke 196, DLP74, Ace (E)CH41, (E)

CDCHD302, Fairway BBB-1400, Action

ACLP6009, Duke DLP69, MCA MCAD2-

10665, MCA-088-112-596-2

Bobby "Blue" Bland and His Band : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp, tb, as, ts, bar, p, g, b and d voir lead

Houston, TX., 1958

FR3090 You did me wrong Duke 300, MCA MCAD2-10665, Ace (E)

CDCHD302, Documents (G)233168

FR3091 I lost sight of the world (*) Duke 300, DLP86, MCA MCAD2-10665, Ace


Note : (*) Unknown flute dubbed on the single issue, not on the LP versions.

Reverse of Duke DLP72 by Junior Parker.

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by poss. Joe Scott (tp) unknown as, prob. L.A. Hill (ts) Rayfield Davers (bar) Teddy Reynolds (p) Texas Johnny Brown (g) Hamp Simmons (el-b) Sonny Freeman (d)

Houston, TX., early 1959

FR-7002-1 I'm not ashamed Duke 303, DLP69, DLP74, Fairway BBB-

1400, Charly (E)CRB1049, MCA MCAD2-

10665, MCA-088-112-596-2, Ace


FR-7003-1 Wishing well Duke 303, DLP77, MCA MCAD2-10665,

Ace (E)CDCHD302

Note : Ace (E)CDCHD323 entitled "Bobby Bland The Voice : Duke Recordings 1959-1969".

Bobby "Blue" Bland and his Band : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by … McKissick (= Hal McKusick?)(fl) prob. Teddy Reynolds (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (el-b) John "Jabo" Starks (d) unknown choir, strings-1

Houston, TX., 1959

FR-7012-1 It's real Duke 310, MCA MCAD2-10665

FR-7021-1 That's why 314, -

FR-7030 Hold me tenderly (1) 318, DLP-73, MCA MCAD2-10665

Note : Duke 314 = London (Can)M.17085.

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) … McKissick (= Hal McKusick?) (fl) Robert Skinner, L.A. Hill (ts) Rayfield Davers (bar) Teddy Reynolds (p) unknown (org-1) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (el-b) John "Jabo" Starks (d) unknown choir & strings on (2)

Houston, TX., 1959

FR-7013-1 Someday Duke 310, DLP84, ABC/Duke 92-2,

MCA2-4172, MCA MCAD2-10665

FR-7020-1 I'll take care of you (1) Duke 314, DLP69, DLP74, Peacock PLP-

2000,Fairway BBB-1400, Charly

(E)CRB1049, MCA MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-

112-596-2, Ace (E)CDCHD323

FR-7029 Lead me on (2) Duke 318, DLP69, DLP74, Fairway BBB-

1400, MCA MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-

596-2, Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD081

Note : (1) Horns out. (2) Horns and g out.

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD081 is a 2-CD entitled "Soul breakout '60", rest by Bobby Bland (next

session) and other artists.

MCA MCAD2-10665 is a double CD entitled "I pity the fool, The Duke Recordings Vol. One".

Peacock PLP-2000 entitled "The big ones from Duke and Peacock Records", rest by other artists.

Bobby Bland : Same but poss. Jimmy Beck (as,ts) replaces Robert Skinner

Houston, TX., 1960

UV-7046 Cry cry cry Duke 327, DLP69, DLP74, DLP84,

Fairway BBB-1400, MCA2-1673, Charly

(E)CRB1049, MCA MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-

112-596-2, Ace (E)CDCHD323, Fantastic

Voyage (E)FVDD081, History of RnB

Records (E)R010

UV-7047 I've been wrong so long Duke 327, DLP74, ABC/Duke 92-2, MCA-

4172, MCA MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-

596-2, History of Soul (E)SOUL002

UV7058 I pity the fool Duke 332, DLP69, DLP74, DLP84,

Fairway BBB-1400, Charly (E)CRB1049,

MCA MCL-1673, MCAD2-10665, MCA-088-112-

596-2, Ace (E)CDCHD323, Fantastic

Voyage (E)FVDD143, Jasmine (E)JASCD199

UV7059 Close to you Duke 332, DLP74, MCA MCAD2-10665

MCR-7343 I've just got to forget about you 464, - , ABC/Duke 92-2, Kent


Two steps from the blues Duke DLP69, DLP74, DLP86, ABC/Duke

92-2, Charly (E)CRB1049, (E)CD26, MCA2-


MCA MCAD2-10665, Ace (E)CDCHD323

Note : Duke 327 = London (Can)M.17126.

Duke 332 = London (Can)M.17155.

See August 1970 for reverse of Duke 464.

Charly (E)CD26 entitled "Blues upside your head", rest by other artists.

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD143 is a 2-CD set entitled "Soul breakout '61", rest by other artists.

History of RnB Records (E)R010 (2013) is a 4-CD box entitled "The history of Rhythm and Blues 1957-

1962", rest by other artists.

Jasmine (E)JASCD199 is a 2-CD set entitled "The road to soul", rest by Bobby Bland (see September

27, 1961, session) and other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by prob. Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) Robert Skinner, L.A. Hill (ts) Rayfield Davers (bar) Teddy Reynolds (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo Starks (d)

Houston, TX., August 3, 1960

CP-7101-2 How does a cheating woman feel Duke 352, Kent (E)044, MCA MCAD2-10957

Note : Duke 352 = London (Can)M.17245.

Houston, TX., November 12, 1960

CP-7076 (ZTSC-68334) Don't cry no more (*) Duke 340, DLP69, DLP74, Fairway BBB-

1400, Charly (E)CRB1049, Ace (E)

CDCHD323, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2,

Mississippi Records MRC-015

CP-7077 (ZTSC-68333) St. James infirmary Duke 340, DLP64, DLP74, Shout! Factory

D2K31134, Jasmine (E)JASMCD3024/5

I've just got to forget you Duke 464, DLP74, ABC/Duke 92-2

Note : Duke 340 = London (Can)M.17187.

The above session also on MCA MCAD2-10957.

Jasmine (E)JASMCD3024/5 is a 2-CD entitled "50 of the most influential blues songs of the 20th

century", rest by other artists.

Kent (E)044 entitled "The soulful side of Bobby Bland".

Mississippi Records MRC-015 is a cassette entitled "I learned it all the hard way – Yet more early

soul music...", rest by other artists.

Shout! Factory D2K31134 is a 2-CD set entitled "Blues story", rest by other artists.

Johnny Board, Jimmy Beck (as,ts) replace Skinner and Hill, rest same

Houston, TX., May 16-17, 1961

UV-7072 Jelly, jelly, jelly Duke 338, DLP75

UV-7073 Ain't that lovin' you - , - , Fairway BBB-1400,

Ace (E)CDCHD323, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

UV-7083 You're the one (that I adore) Duke 344, DLP75, ABC/Duke 92-2, MCA


UV-7089 Who will the next fool be Duke 347, DLP75, ABC/Duke 92-2,

Charly (E)CRB1049, MCA2-4172, MCA-088-

112-596-2, Ace (E)CDCHD323

Note : Duke 338 = London (Can)M.17229.

Duke 344 = London (Can)M.17209.

Duke 347 = London (Can)M.17230.

Entire session on MCA MCAD2-10957.

Nashville, TN., September 20, 1961

Blues in the night Duke DLP75, ABC/Duke 92-2, MCA2-4172

Twistin' up the road - , -

UV-7088 Blue moon 347, Ace (E)CDCHD323

Note : The above three titles on MCA MCAD2-10957.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Skippy Brooks (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Nashville, TN., September 27, 1961

UV-7082 Turn on your love light (1) Duke 344, DLP75, DLP84, MCA MCL-

1678, Ace (E)CDCHD323, Fairway BBB-

1400, MCA MCAD2-10957, MCA-088-112-

596-2, Goldies 451481, Bear Family

(G)BCD16867, Fantastic Voyage

(E)FVDD144, (E)FVTD156, One Day

DAY2CD159, Jasmine (E)JASCD199

UV-7108 Stormy Monday (blues) (They call it

stormy Monday) Duke 355, DLP75, DLP84, Action

ACLP6009, Fairway BBB-1400, MCA MCL-

1673, MCAD2-10957, Pickwick LP3663,

Goldies 451481, Ace (E)CDCHD323, MCA


Note : (1) Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) Johnny Board, Jimmy Beck (as,ts) Rayfield

Davers (bar) added.

Duke 355 = London (Can)M.17249.

Both titles also on MCA MCAD-10667(= MCA (Jap)MVCM-395) entitled "The best of Duke – Peacock

blues", rest by other artists.

Bear Family (G)BCD16867 entitled "Sweet soul music – 31 scorching classics from 1961", rest by

other artists.

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVDD144 is a 2-CD set entitled "R&B spotlight '61", rest by Lavern Baker (see

next session) and other artists.

Fantastic Voyage (E)FVTD156 is a 3-CD set entitled "Boogie chillen – Early mods first choice

vinyl", rest by other artists.

One Day DAY2CD159 is a 2-CD set entitled "The roots of Northern Soul", rest by other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott (tp) Skippy Brooks (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Los Angeles, CA., January 29, 1962

UV-7109 Your friends Duke 355, DLP75

Melvin Jackson (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) Jimmy Beck (as) Bobby Forte (ts) Rayfield Davers (bar) unknown background vcl-1 incl. Dolores Johnson added, same location and date

UV-7100 Yield not to temptation (2) Duke 352, Mercury MGH25003, Rounder

2031, Fairway BBB-1400, Charly

(E)CRB1049, Ace (E)

CDCHD323, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

No sweeter girl (1) Duke DLP77

UV-7136 You're worth it all 366, DLP75, ABC/Duke 92-2, MCA2-

4172, Charly (E)CRB1049

Note : Entire session on MCA MCAD2-10957.

Mercury MGH25003 entitled "Original golden hits of the great blues singers- Volume III", rest by

other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) Bobby Forte, Jimmy Beck, Johnny Board (ts) Skippy Brooks (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Nashville, TN., April 12, 1962

UV-7122 That's the way love is Duke 360, DLP77, DLP84, Fairway BBB-

1400, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

UV-7123 Call on me Duke 360, DLP77, DLP84, Fairway BBB-

1400, New Musical Express (E)NME009,

MCA MCL-1673, MCA-088-112-596-2, Kent

(E)LP044, Ace (E)CDCHD323, Battle

(B)200, Duke CD402

UV-7145 The feeling is gone Duke 370, DLP77

36-22-36 (1) DLP75, DLP86, Charly (E)

CRB1049, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

Note : (1) Background vcl added.

Duke 360 = London (Can)M.17281.

Entire session also on MCA MCAD2-10957.

Duke CD402 entitled "The Duke of soul, volume 2", rest by other artists.

New Musical Express (E)NME009 is a cassette entitled "The NME Ace case", rest by other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) Clifford Scott (as) Bobby Forte, Johnny Board, Jimmy Beck (ts) Rayfield Davers (bar) Teddy Reynolds (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d) unknown female vcl-1

Hollywood, CA., February 7, 1963

Ain't it a good thing Duke DLP77, 369, MCA MCAD2-10957

Cry lover cry - , -

Honky tonk - , -

Queen for a day DLP86, - , -

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Pluma Davis (tb) Bobby Forte, Jimmy Beck, Johnny Board (ts) Skippy Brooks or Teddy Reynolds (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Nashville, TN., May 7, 1963

UV-7144 I can't stop singing (1) Duke 370

UV-7135 Sometimes you gotta cry a little (1) 366, Ace (E)CDCHD323

I'll call you tomorrow MCA MCAD2-10957

UV-7155 Honey child Duke 375, 433, Action (E)ACT4548, Kent


Note : (1) Unknown female vcl group added.

Rest of this session also on MCA MCAD2-10957.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Jimmy Beck, Johnny Board (as,ts) Bobby Forte (ts) unknown (bar) Teddy Reynolds (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Nashville, TN., May 9, 1963

UV-7188 Dust got in daddy's eyes Duke 390

If I hadn't called you back DLP78, MCA2-4172

UV-7154 Ain't nothing you can do 375, 472*, DLP84, MCA MCL-

1673, Kent (E)044, ABC 784, Ace (E)

CDCHD323, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2, Bear

Family (G)BCD16870

Note : (*) Duke 472 has in wax Mx. SCM-364.

Ace (E)CDCHD323 entitled "The Voice".

Bear Family (G)BCD16870 entitled "Sweet soul music – 31 scorching classics from 1964", rest by

other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Skippy Brooks (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d) Anita Kerr Singers (background vcl) + unknown string section

Nashville, TN., May 11, 1963

UV7159 Share your love with me Duke 377, 435, DLP77, ABC/Duke 92-2,

Action (E)ACT4548, MCA2-4172, MCA-088-

112-596-2, Ace (E)CDCHD323

UV-7162 After it's too late Duke 377, DLP78

UV-7178 Today 385, -

Care for me DLP77

Note : Entire session on MCA MCAD2-10957.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Jimmy Beck, Johnny Board (as,ts) Bobby Forte (ts) unknown (bar) Skippy Brooks (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Nashville, TN., December 14, 1963

Black night Duke DLP78, ABC/Duke 92-2, MCA2-

4172, MCA MCAD2-10957

For men only MCA MCAD2-10957

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Jimmy Beck, Johnny Board (as,ts) Bobby Forte (ts) unknown (bar) Teddy Reynolds (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Los Angeles, CA., February 27, 1964

The greatest MCA MCAD2-10957

UV-7181 Black night Duke 386, MCA MCAD2-10957

UV-7180 Blind man - , DLP78, DLP86, ABC/Duke 92-

2, MCA2-4172, MCA MCAD2-10957, MCA-088-


Steal away Duke DLP78, MCA MCAD2-10957

Bobby Bland (vcl) with unknown acc. incl. flutes, p, g, b, d, strings and vcl group

New Orleans, LA., March 20, 1964

LRS-7195 If you could read my mind Duke 393, 47, DLP78, DLP84

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Melvin Jackson (tp) Jimmy Beck, Johnny Board (as,ts) Bobby Forte (ts) unknown (bar) Skippy Brooks (p) Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (b) John "Jabo" Starks (d)

Nashville, TN., April 22, 1964

UV-7172 Ain't doing too bad pt 1 Duke 383, Rounder LP2031, Kent (E)044,

Ace (E)CDCHD323, MCA MCAD2-10957, MCA-


UV-7173 Ain't doing too bad pt 2 Duke 383, Rounder LP2031, Kent (E)044,

Ace (E)CDCHD323, MCA MCAD2-10957

I won't forget MCA MCAD2-10957

Loneliness hurts Duke DLP78, ABC/Duke 92-2, MCA2-

4172, MCA MCAD2-10957

When you put me down Duke DLP78, MCA MCAD2-10957

I'm gonna cry - , -

Reconsider (baby) - , - , Charly


UV-7189 Ain't no telling Duke 390, DLP78, Charly (E)CRB1049,

Ace (E)CDCHD323

Soul stretch (inst) Duke DLP79

Note : Charly (E)CRB1049 entitled "Foolin' with the Bobby Blue Bland Band".

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Don Robey, Dave Clark (tp) Joe Scott (tp,arr) Wayne Bennett (g) + unknown others

Chicago, IL., February 10, 1965

Angel girl Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott, Don Robey, Dave Clark (tp) unknown tb, 1 or 2 ts, bar, p except-1, Wayne Bennett (g) unknown el-b, d, tamb-2, male vcl group-3, female vcl group-4, Vi Campbell (lead female vcl-5)

Detroit, MI., April 1965

UV-7179 These hands (small but mighty) Duke 385, Goldies 45-1484, Kent (E)044,

MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

Play girl (2,4) Duke DLP79, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Too late for tears (4) - , -

Detroit, MI., April 25, 1965

Dear Bobby (The note) (4,5) Duke DLP79, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Reach right out (4) - , -

Detroit, MI. April 28, 1965

LRS-7236 I ain't myself anymore (4) Duke 412, Kent (E)044, Duke/MCA MCAD2-


Let's get together (1,4) Duke DLP74, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Sweet lips of joy DLP88, Island (E)ILP974, Duke/


Note : MFSL stands for Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab and MFSL MFCD770 compiles two previous LPs, "Touch of

the blues" and "Two steps from the blues".

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp, ts, bar, p, g, el-b, d, vib + unknown choir and George Butcher (arr,dir)

New York, November 11, 1965

ACAG-7194 I'm too far gone (to turn around) Duke 393, MCA MCL-1673, Fairway BBB-

1400, Ace (E)CDCHD323, Duke/MCA

MCAD2-11444, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by fl's, p, g, b, d, vcl group and strings

poss. New York, c. late 1965

LRS-7195 If you could read my mind Duke 393, 477, DLP78, DLP84

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott + unknown (tp), unknown tb, Gilbert Caple, Donald … (ts) Charles Crawford (bar) Clarence "Sleepy" Anderson (org-1) unknown p, Wayne Bennett (g) Hamp Simmons (el-b) John "Jabo" Starks (d) unknown vib-1

Houston, TX. and/or Chicago, IL., January 14, 1966

UV-7212 Good time Charlie Duke 402, Rounder LP2031, Kent (E)044,

MCA MCL-1673, MCA-088-112-596-2,

MCA/Duke MCAD2-11444, Ace (E)CDCHD323

UV-7213 Good time Charlie (Working his groove bag)

(inst-1) Duke 402

Ain't nobody's business (aka 'Tain't

nobody's business if I do) Duke DLP79, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Fever (1,piano out) - , -

Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, tb, 2 ts, bar, p, Wayne Bennett + unknown (g) unknown el-b and d

Houston, TX., January 14, 1966

Sweet loving Duke DLP88, Island (E)ELP974, MFSL


One horse town (p out) Duke DLP88, Island (E)ILP974, MFSL

MFCD770, MCA2-4172, Duke/MCA MCAD2-


Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott + other (tp) unknown tb, 2 ts, p, el-b, d, tamb-1, female vcl group-1

Chicago, IL., February 9, 1966

UV-7223 Building a fire with rain (2,horns out) Duke 407, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Reach right out Duke DLP79, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Mixed vcl group-1, female vcl group-2 added

Houston, TX., February 15, 1966

I can't stop (1) Duke DLP79, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

LRS-7235 Back in the same old bag (again) (2) 412, DLP79, Kent (E)044, Duke/MCA


Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott + other (tp) unknown tb, 2 ts, bar, p, Wayne Bennett (g) unknown el-b, John "Jabo" Starks (d) unknown tamb-1

Chicago, IL., April 21, 1966

UV-7222 Poverty (2) Duke 407, DLP84, Duke/MCA MCAD2-

11444, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

UV-7248 You're all I need Duke 416, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444, MCA


UV-7249 Deep in my soul - , DLP79, Duke/MCA MCAD2-


UV-7257 That did it Duke 421, DLP88, MCA2-4172, MCL-

1673, ABC/Duke 92-2, Kent (E)044, Ace

(E)CDCHD323, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444,

MFSL MFCD770, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2,

Trikont (G)US-0243

LRS-7282 (A) Piece of gold Duke 433, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Note : Joe Hughes claims to be the guitar player on "That did it".

Trikont (G)US-0243 entitled "Down & out – The sad soul of the black South", rest by Bobby Bland

(see November/December) and other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott + other (tp) unknown tb, 2 ts, bar, Joe Hughes + unknown (g) unknown el-b and d

Chicago, IL., November 30 & December 7, 1966

UV-7258 Getting used to the blues Duke 421, Island (E)ILP974, Duke/

MCA MCAD2-11444

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp's, tb, 2 ts, bar, p, Wayne Bennett + unknown (g) unknown el-b, d, vib-1, same location and dates

LRS-7268 Shoes (1) Duke 426, DLP88, Island (E)ILP974,

Ace (E)CDCHD323, Duke/MCA MCAD2-

11444, MFSL MFCD770, Duke (E)395

Road of broken hearted men Duke DLP88, MCA2-4172, Island (E)

ILP974, ABC/Duke 92-2, Duke/MCA

MCA2-11444, MFSL MFCD770, Trikont


Note : Reverse of Peacock (E)395 (released in 2004) by Bud Harper.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by 2 ts, org, p, Wayne Bennett (g) unknown el-b and d, same location and dates

LRS-7281 Driftin' blues Duke 432, DLP88, Duke/MCA MCAD2-

11444, MFSL MFCD770, MCA MCA-088-112-


LRS-7283 If you could read my mind Duke 432, 477, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Note : Wayne Bennett says that the first title was recorded in 1964 but matrix number seems to contradict


Mx. LRS-7281 was issued either with LRS-7282 or on other issues LRS-7283.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott + other (tp) unknown tb, 2 ts, bar, Wayne Bennett (g) unknown el-b, d and background vcl, same location and dates

UV-7331 Sad feeling Duke 458, DLP88, Island (E)ILP974,


Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by orchestra incl. Willie Mitchell (tp-1) 2 unknown ts, bar, org, Mabon Hodges (g) unknown el-b, d and female vcl group

Memphis, TN., February 14, 1967

LRS-7267 A touch of the blues Duke 426, DLP88, MCA2-4172, ABC/

Duke 92-2, Charly (E)CRB1049, Duke/


Set me free Duke DLP88, Island (E)ILP974, Duke/

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp's, tb's, ts, bar, org, g, el-b, d, poss. strings and female vcl group, same location and date

MRC-7335 Lover with a reputation Duke 460, Kent (E)044, Duke/MCA MCAD2-


Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, tb, ts, g, el-b and d

Houston, TX., January 20, 1968

LRS7285 Save your love for me Duke 435, MCA2-4172, MCA-088-112-596-2,

ABC/Duke 92-2, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Henry Boozier + other (tp) unknown tb's, ts, bar, p, Wayne Bennett (el-g) unknown el-b, Harrell Portier (d) unknown tamb-1, male vcl group-2

Houston, TX., January 20, 1968

COL-7295 Rockin' in the same old boat Duke 440, DLP89, MCA MCL-1673, MCA-088-

112-596-2, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444, MFSL

MFCD770, Trikont (G)US-0337

COL-7296 Wouldn't you rather have me (1,2) Duke 444, DLP89, Kent (E)044, Duke/MCA

MCAD2-11444, MFSL MFCD770

Note : Both titles also on Action (E)ACT4524.

Trikont (G)US-0337 entitled "Cheatin' soul", rest by Bobby Bland (1974) and other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Henry Boozier + other (tp) unknown tb, ts, bar, p, Wayne Bennett (el-g) unknown el-b, Harrell Portier (d)

Houston, TX., January 29, 1969

COL-7310 (Baby) I'm on my way Duke 447, DLP89, Duke/MCA MCAD2-

11444, MFSL MFCD770

COL-7318 Ask me 'bout nothing (but the blues) Duke 449, DLP89, ABC/Duke 92-2, Ace

(E)CDCHD323, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444,

MFSL MFCD770, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

This time I'll be true Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Note : Duke 447 = Action (E)ACT4538.

Duke 449 = Action (E)ACT4553.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott + other tp's, tb, Johnny Board (ts) unknown (bar) Johnny Young (p) Wayne Bennett, Gerald Sims (g) Phil Upchurch (el-b) Harrell Portier (d) unknown strings-3, vib-1, mixed vcl group-2

Chicago, IL., February 28, 1969

COL-7309 Gotta get to know you (1,2,3) Duke 447, DLP89, Oldies 451481, MFSL


You ought to be ashamed Duke DLP89, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444,


COL-7317 Chains of love Duke 449, DLP89, MCA2-4172, MCA MCL-

1673, Fairway BBB-1400, ABC/Duke 92-

2, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444, MFSL

MFCD770, MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

Georgia on my mind Duke DLP89, MFSL MFCD770

Who can I turn to (when nobody needs me ?) - , Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444,


Since I fell for you Duke DLP89, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444,


Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp's, tb's, as, ts, bar, g, el-b and d, same location and date

MCR-7347 Yum yum tree Duke 466, Kent (E)044, Duke/MCA

MCAD2-11444, Duke CD401

Note : Duke CD401 entitled "The Duke of soul, volume 1", rest by other artists.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Scott + other (tp) unknown tb, ts, bar, p, g, el-b and d

c. 1969

Keep on lovin' me Kent (E)075

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, tb's, ts, bar, p-1, g, el-b, d and strings

Chicago, IL., October 10, 1969

UV-7330 If you got a heart (1) Duke 458, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444, MCA


MCR-7334 If love ruled the world (1) Duke 460, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp, tb, ts, el-p, g, el-b, d + mixed vcl group

Muscle Shoals, AL., August 1970

GMR-7342 Keep on loving me (You'll see the change) Duke 464, Kent (E)044, Duke/MCA


GMR-7346 I'm sorry 466, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Note : Reverse of Duke 464 recorded in 1960.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, tb, as, ts, bar, p-1, g, el-b, d, strings-2

Los Angeles, CA., c. late 1971

SCM-7355 Shape up or ship out Duke 471, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

SCM-7356 The love that we share (is true) (1) - , -

SCM-7361 Do what you set out to do (1,2,horns out) 472, MCA MCL-1673, MCA-088-112-

596-2, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Note : Reverse of Duke 472 recorded in 1963, see there.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, saxes, p, g, el-b and d


MAC-7364 I'm so tired Duke 477, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp's, saxes, p, g, el-b and d


LRS-7368 That's all there is (there ain't no more) Duke 480, Duke/MCA MCAD2-11444

LRS-7370 I don't want another mountain to climb - , -

Note : Duke DLP72 entitled "Blues consolidated", other side by Little Junior Parker. Duke DLP74 as "Two

steps from the blues". Duke DLP75 as "Here's the man". Duke DLP77 as "Call on me". Duke DLP78 as

"Ain't nothing you can do". Duke DLP79 as "The soul of the man". Duke DLP84 as "The best of Bobby

Bland". Duke DLP86 as "The best of Bobby Bland Vol. II". Duke DLP88 as "Touch of the blues". Duke

DLP89 as "Spots on…? The man". Fairway BBB-1400 entitled "Bobby (Blue) Bland's Greatest Hits".

Duke DLP72 = MCA 27037. Duke DLP74 = Vogue (E)VA160183 = MCA 27036. Duke DLP75 = MCA 27038 = Vogue

(F)LD604-30 entitled "Mr. Blue". Duke DLP77 = MCA27042 = BluesWay BLS-6065. Duke DLP78 = MCA 27040.

Duke DLP79 = MCA 27041. Duke DLP84 = MCA27013. Duke DLP86 = MCA 27045. Duke DLP88 = MCA 27047. Duke

DLP89 = MCA27048.

Duke DLP79 + DLP88 = P-Vine (Jap)PCD-1422 and Duke DLP77 + DLP78 = P-Vine (Jap)PCD-1421.

Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by Tommy Purkson, Joe Hardin (tp) Al Thomas (tb) Ernie Fields Jr. (ts) Melvin Jackson (bar) Dr. John (g) Reuben Wright (el-b) Charles Folk (d)

Live, "Ann Arbor Blues Festival",

Ann Arbor, MI., September 9, 1972

25827 Ain't that loving you Atl SD2-502, 7 81691-1

Note : Atlantic 7 81696-1 (= Atlantic (G)781696-1) is a 2-LP set (reissued minus six titles on Atlantic

7 81696-2) entitled "Atlantic blues : vocalists" also issued as part of Atlantic 7 81713-1 (=

Atlantic (G)781713-1) a 8-LP box entitled "Atlantic blues", rest by other artists. Atlantic 7

81713-1 partially reissued on Atlantic 7 82309-2, a 4-CD box (same title).

-His California album- : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by Chuck Findley, Paul Hubinon (tp) Dick Hyde (tb) Ernie Watts, Jack Kelson Jr (as,ts,bar) Michael Omartian (p-1,el-p-2,org-3) Ben Benay, David Cohen, Larry Carlton, Mel Brown, Dean Parks (g) Wilton Felder, Max Bennett (el-b) Ed Greene (d) + strings, Ginger Blake, Julia Tillman, Maxine Willard (background vcl) Michael Omartian (arr)

Los Angeles, CA., 1973

01679 This time, I'm gone for good (1,3) ABC-Dunhill 4369, DSX50163, MCA


01680 Where baby went (2,3) ABC-Dunhill 4369, DSX50163

01699 Going down slow (1,3) mel Brown = g 4379, - , MCA


01700 Up and down world (2,3) ABC-Dunhill 4379, -

It's not the spotlight (1,3) DSX50163, MCA MCL-1673

(If loving is wrong) I don't want to be

right (1,3) -

The right place at the right time (1) -

Help me through the day (1) -

Friday the 13th child (1) -

I've got to use my imagination -

Note : ABC-Dunhill DSX50163 = BGO (E)LP64.

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by 2 g's, el-b, d

Concert, "Whiskey-A-Go-Go", Hollywood, CA., 1973

This time ain't gone for good MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

-Dreamer-: Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by large Orchestra : Paul Hubinon, Tony Terran (tp) Lew McCreary (tb) Jim Horn, Ernie Watts, John Kelson, Peter Christlieb (as,ts,bar) Michael Omartian (p-1,el-p-2,org-3, clavinet-4,synt-5,arr) Ben Benay, Larry Carlton, Dean Parks (g) Wilton Felder (el-b) Ed Green (d) + The Sid Sharp Strings (strings) Ginger Blake, Julia Tillman, Maxine Willard (background vcl,handclaps-6) Steve Barri (cond)

Los Angeles, CA., 1974

Ain't no love in the heart of the city (2) ABC Dunhill 15003, DSX50169, MCA MCA-


I wouldn't treat a dog (the way

you treated me) (2,3) ABC Dunhill 15015, - , MCA MCA-

088-112-596-2, Trikont (G)US-0337

Lovin' on borrowed time (2,3) ABC Dunhill DSX50169

16787 When you come to the end of your road (1,3) ABC Dunhill DSX50169, ABC ABC-12105*

I ain't gonna be the first to cry (2,4) 15015, DSX50169

Dreamer (2,5) -

16786 Yodanda (2,4) DSX50169, ABC ABC-12105,

MCA MCA-088-112-596-2

Twenty-four hour blues (2,fl added) ABC Dunhill 15003, DSX50169

Cold day in hell (1,3) -

16954 Who's foolin' who (1,3) DSX50169, ABC12189

Note : (*) As "When you come to the end of your road" on ABC 12105.

ABC Dunhill DSX50169 = BGO (E)LP63 = Probe 2-064-95758.

For an LP recorded in 1974 see under B.B. King.

-Get on down with Bobby Bland- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Harrison Calloway Jr. (tp) unknown tb, ts, bar, p-1, el-p-2, org-3, clavinet-4, hca-5, 2 g's, el-b, d, tamb-6, cga-7, vib-8, perc-9, strings, unknown female group (background vcl-10) Bergen White (arr)

Nashville, TN. & Muscle Shoals, AL., 1975

16840 I take it on home (1,3,6,8,10) ABC 12133, ABCD895, MCA MCA-088-112-


16887 Today I started loving you again

(1,3,5,6,8) 12156, -

You've always got the blues (1,8,10) -

I hate you (1,6,8,10) - , Kent (E)CDKEND395

16841 You've never been this far before (3,4,7,9) 12133, -

If fingerprints showed up on skin

(1,3,4,6,8) -

Someone to give my love to (2,3,4,6,8) -

16888 Too far gone (1,5,8,10) 12156, -

You're gonna love yourself (1,3,6,7) -

Note : Kent (E)CDKEND395 entitled "Sweet dreams – Where country meets soul, Vol.2", rest by other artists.

For a March 1976 LP (and one more title ("Let's the good times roll") on MCA MCA-088-112-596-2) see

under B.B. King.

-Boarding House San Francisco 1975- : Bobby Blue Bland : Bobby Bland (vcl,except-1) acc. by unknown horns, organ, Wayne Bennett (g) unknown el-b, d and perc, ? Williams (vcl-1)

KSAN-FM broadcast, San Francisco, October 8, 1975

Stop fooling around (1) CD bootleg (It?)

Love wait to let me wait (1) -

Got bad luck (1) -

Bobby Bland intro/Ain't that loving you baby -

I take care of you -

Today I started loving you again -

Your friends -

The way you treated me -

This time I'm gone for good/Lonely avenue -

That's the way love is -

The feeling is gone/Stormy Monday/Driftin blues -

KSAN-Outro -

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp, tb, saxes, org, Wayne Bennett (g) unknown el-b, d

Live, Memphis Coliseum, November 8, 1975

Introduction/In the evening P-Vine (Jap)PCD-2719/20

I'll take care of you -

Your friends -

I wouldn't treat a dog (The way

you treated me) -

The feeling is gone/Stormy Monday/Driftin' blues -

Note : See also under B.B. King for vocal duets recorded the same day.

-Reflections in blue- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Chuck Findley, Steve Madaio (tp) Jim Horn, Ernie Watts, Nino Tempo (as,ts,bar) Michael Omartian (p-1,el-p-2,org-3,clavinet-4,synt-5,arr,cond) Ben Benay, Jay Graydon, Dean Parks, Ray Parker, Lee Ritenour (g) Scott Edwards, Wilton Felder, Chuck Rainey (el-b) Ed Green (d) Victor Feldman, Steve Barri (perc) unknown tamb-6, strings-7, Ginger Blake, Maxine Willard, Julia Tillman, Oren Waters, Luther Waters, Michael Price (background vcl-8)

Los Angeles, CA., 1977

17153 The soul of a man (1,4,7) ABC 12280, AB1018, MCA 27043, MCA-088-


I'll be your fool once more (1,7,8) - , -

29683 Sittin' on a poor man's throne (2,6,7,8) ABC 12330, - , -

29684 I intend to take your place (1,3,8) - , - , -

16953 It ain't the real thing (4,7,8) 12189, - , - , -

It's all over (1,4,7,8) - , -

17155 If I weren't a gambler (1,7) 12280, - , -

Five long years (2,3,5) - , -

I got the same old blues (4,5,6) - , -

Note : ABC AB1013 = ABC (G)28863XOR = ABC 5196.

-Come fly with me- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, tb's, fhr's, oboe, as, David Ervin + another (el-p, org-1,synt-2) unknown hca-3, Freddy Robinson + another (g) unknown b, d, tamb-4, perc-5, harp-6, female vcl group (background vcl) + strings-7 and International Choral Aggregation (mixed background vcl-8)

Los Angeles, CA. & Nashville, TN. & Chicago, IL.

& Houston, TX., 1978

00533 Come fly with me (4,6) ABC 12405, AA10175, MCA 27044, 1835,


Lady lonely (5,6,7) -

Night games (4) -

To be friends - , 41197

00173 I'm just your man (4,5,7) ABC 12360 , -

00279 Love to see you smile (2,3,4,5,7) (*) - , - , 1835,


You can count on me (6,7) MCA 27044

This bitter earth (6) -

00172 Ain't God something (1,5,8) ABC 12405, MCA 27044

Note : (*) A one-sided 10" 45rpm acetate has date 2/22-78 typed across label.

MCA 1835 is a 12" release, see 1979 for two more titles.

-I feel good I feel fine- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, George Bohanon + other (tb) unknown as, ts, el-p, org-2, 2 g's, el-b, d, perc-4, tamb-5, harp-6, strings and Sweet Spirit (female background vcl-7)

Hollywood, CA., 1979

I feel good, I feel fine (2,4,5,7,inst) MCA 3157, 27073, 1835

I can't take it no mo' (3,4,6,7) - , -

Little mama (4,5,7) - , -

Tit for tat (4,6,7) - , - , 1835, 41140

Someone to belong to (7) - , -

Soon as the weather breaks (2,6) - , - , 41197, MCL-1673, MCA-


In his eyes (2,4,7) MCA 3157, 27073

Red sails in the sunset (4,6,7) - , -

-Sweet vibrations- : Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, tb's, fl's, as, ts, bar, oboe, p-1, el-p, synt-2, Freddy Robinson + other (g) unknown el-b d, tamb-3, perc-4, xyl-5, strings and female vcl group-6

Chicago, IL. & Los Angeles, CA., September 1980

Sweet vibrator (2,3,6) MCA 5145, 27076, 51068, MCL-1673

You'd be a millionaire (1) - , - , -

Soul with a flavor (1,4) - , -

Special kind of fool (1) - , -

Somewhere over the rainbow (2,hca added) - , -

Hollywood woman (2,3,4,6,hca added) (*) - , -

A real woman is what it takes (1) - , -

Suspicious (2) - , -

Merry Christmas baby (3,5,6) - , -

Note : Title "Somewhere over the rainbow" on label as "Over the rainbow" and "Suspicious" on label as

"Just because I leave, that don't mean I'm gone (Suspicious)".

(*) Definitely the following musicians present : George Smith (hca) George Bohanon (tb) Ernie

Fields (ts) Monk Higgins (p) Freddy Robinson (g) Phil Upchurch (el-b) and it is more than likely

that they are also present on the other titles.

-Try me, I'm real- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Bobby Bryant + other (tp) George Bohanon + other (tb) Don Merrick (as,ts) unknown fl's, bar, bassoon, oboe, Bill McCoy (el-p) Monk Higgins (p) David Ervin (synt) Val Ewell, Freddy Robinson, L.V. Johnson (g) Curtis Robinson, Phil Upchurch (el-b) Kenny Elliott (d) Warren "Ham" Haygood, Harold Mason (perc,tamb) unknown vib, harp, strings + Sweet Spirit : Judith Jones, Sylvia Cox, Yolande Howard, Deborah Lindsay, Sharon Clarl (background vcl), coll. pers.

Chicago, IL., 1981

Try me, I'm real MCA 5233

But I do -

What a difference a day makes - , 51181

That's how I feel about you -

Givin' up the street for love - , -

Just you, just me -

A song for you, my son -

I cover the waterfront -

Love is where it's at -

-Here we go again- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, George Bohanon + other (tb) unknown as, Monk Higgins (ts) unknown fl's, oboe, David Ervin, Laythan Armor (p,el-p) Spencer Bean, Freddy Robinson (g) Curtis Robinson (el-b) Kenny Elliott (d) Warren "Ham" Haygood Jr. (perc,tamb) unknown harp, strings, Sweet Spirit : Judith Jones, Sylvia Cox, Yolanda Howard (background vcl)

Chicago, IL., 1982

Here we go again MCA 52136, 5297

MC13233E Recess in heaven 52085, - , MCA-088-112-596-2

Never let me go -

Country love -

MC12554 Exactly, where it's at 52085, -

MC13889E You're about to win 52180, -

MC13888E Is this the blues - , -

Don't go to strangers ? -

We've had a good time -

Note : MCA 5297 = MCA 22013.

-Tell me Mr. Bland- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Bobby Bryant + other (tp) George Bohanon + other (tb) Herman Riley (as,ts) unknown fl's, bar, David Ervin (p,el-p,synt) Wali Ali, Greg Poree (g) Curtis Robinson (el-b) Warren "Ham" Haygood Jr., Monk Higgins (d,perc,tamb) unknown strings, harp, Sweet Spirit : Yolanda Fisher, Sylvia Cox, Judy Jones (background vcl) Sharon Clarke (background vcl-1)

Memphis, TN., 1983

Tell Mister Bland MCA 52270, 5425, 884

I'll be good about you - , -

Ain't it a good thing (1) - , -

If it ain't one thing (it's another) - , - , -

It's all in the game - , -

Queen for a day - , -

What is it (1,inst) - , -

Fever - , -

-Long Beach 1985- : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) Mel Jackson (tp,arr) Wayne Bennett (g)

Live, Long Beach, CA., 1983

Mel's groove (inst) Charly (E)CDCBL750

Ain't that loving you -

I'll take care of you -

Soul of a man -

I intend to take your place -

Soon as the weather breaks -

Today I started loving you again -

Share your love with me -

Recess in heaven -

Medley : That's the way love is -

Ain't nothing you can do

Medley : The feeling is gone -

Monday blues

Farther up the road -

Note : Charly (E)CDCBL750 = Blues Factory 47025.

-You've got me loving you- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by tp's, tb's, fl, ts, bar, David Ervin (p,synt) Milton Bland (el-p,perc,cga) Spencer Bean, Wali, Ali (g) Curtis Robinson (el-b) Michael Jochum (d) Sweet Spirit : Maxanne Lewis, Yolanda Fisher, Debra Lindsay (background vcl)

Hollywood, CA. & Memphis, TN., 1984

You've got me loving you MCA 52436, 5503, MCAD-22008

Call on me - , -

It's too bad 52482, - , -

Get real clean - , - , -

There's a brighter day ahead - , -

I've got a friend - , -

Just because I love you (inst) - , -

Looking back 52436, - , -

You are my Christmas 52508, - , -

New merry Christmas baby -

Less cities -

Chase the fire -

Secret separation -

Note : MCA 5503 = MCA 27098.

-Members only- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Harrison Calloway, Ben Cauley (tp) Charles Rose (tb) Harvey Thompson (ts) Jim Horn (bar,fl) Carson Whitsett (p,el-p) Jimmy Johnson, Dino Zimmerman (g) Rick Harvey (lead g-1) Jesse Robinson (lead g-2) Ray Griffin (el-b) James Robertson (d) Vince Barranco, Carmelo Garcia (perc) Mickey Davis, Bob McNally, Claudette Hampton, Peggy Plucker, Janet Dressler, Brian Gum, John Frantz, Linda Geidel, Steven Dressler (strings) Jewell Bass, Thomisene Anderson, George Soule (background vcl)

Jackson, MS., 1985

MAL-2122-A Members only Malaco MAL7429, MCD5000, 2122

MAL-2126-B In the ghetto - , - , 2126

MAL-2122-B I've just got to know (1) - , - , 2122

Straight from the shoulder - , -

Sweet woman's love - , -

MAL-2126-A Can we make love tonight - , - , 2126

Sweet surrender -

I need your love so bad -

Heart open up again (2) - , -

Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by unknown tp's, tb, p, g, el-b, d + strings-1

Jackson, MS., 1985

Two steps from the blues (1) Malaco MAL7430, MCD5000

St. James infirmary MAL7438, -

-After all- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Harrison Calloway, Wayne Jackson (tp) Charles Rose (tb) Cybil Cheesman (fl) Harvey Thompson (ts) Ronnie Eades (bar) Carson Whitsett (p-1,el-p-2,synt-3) Jimmy Johnson, Larry Brown, Jerry Puckett, Wayne Bennett, Bernard Jenkins (g) Ray Griffin (el-b) James Robertson (d) Mickey Davis, Bob McNally, Claudette Hampton, Peggy Plucker, Janet Dressler, Steve Dressler, John Frantz, Patrice Evans, Mark Hatch, Tim Mika (strings) Thomisene Anderson, Jewell Bass, Catherine Henderson (background vcl)

Jackson, MS. & Sheffield, AL., 1986

Second hand heart (2) Malaco MAL7439, (E)LP6009, MCD5000

After all (1) - , - , -

Walkin' & talkin' & singin' the blues (2) - , - , -

I hear you thinkin' (1) - , - , - , 2133

There ain't no turnin' back (1) - , -

Love me or leave me (3) - , - , -

Angel (2,3) - , - , - , 2133

Sunday morning love (1,2) - , - , -

I stand accused (1) - , -

Note : Malaco CD5000 entitled "First class blues".

-Blues you can use- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Harrison Calloway, Gary Armstrong (tp) Charles Rose (tb) Cybil Cheesman (fl) Jim Horn (b-fl,as,bar) Harvey Thompson (ts) Carson Whitsett, Larry Addison (p-1,el-p-2, org-3,synt-4) Wayne Bennett (g) Ray Griffin (el-b) Roger Hawkins, James Robertson (d) Mickey Davis, Bob McNally, Claudette Hampton, Peggy Plucker, Janet Bressler, Steve Bressler, Tim Mika, Patrice Evans, Chris Reidlinger, Mark Hatch (strings) Jewell Bass, Catherine Henderson, Charlotte Chenault (background vcl)

Jackson, MS. & Sheffield, AL., 1987

Get you money where you spend your time (4) Malaco MAL7444, 2142

Spending my life with you (1,3) -

Our first blues song (1,2) -

Restless feelings (2) -

24 hours a day (1,3) - , 2146

I've got a problem (4) - , -

Let's part as friends (4) -

For the last time (g solo) - , 2142

There's no easy way to say goodbye (1) -

Welfare line (unissued)

-Midnight run- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Harrison Calloway (tp) Charles Rose (tb) Mike Haynes (fl) Jim Horn (as,bar) Harvey Thompson (ts) Carson Whitsett, Steve Nathan (keyboards) Michael Toles, Jimmy Johnson, Duncan Cameron, Pete Carr, Mitch Rencher (g) Ray Griffin, David Hood (el-b) James Robertson, Roger Hawkins (d) Mickey Buckins (perc) David Chappell, Robert Basso, Carl Freedman, Rosalin Lang, John Dipuccio, Geremy Miller, Jorge Orbon, Bebra Spring, Stuart McDonald (strings) Jewell Bass, Tomisene Anderson, Frederick Knight (background vcl)

Jackson, MS. & Sheffield, AL., 1989

You've got to hurt before you heal Malaco MAL7450, 2154

Lay love aside -

Kiss me to the music -

Keep it a secret -

Take off your shoes - , 2166

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone - , 2158

If I don't get involved - , - , 2166

I'm not ashamed to sing the blues - , 2154

Midnight run - , 2161

Starting all over again - , -

-Blues from the Montreux Jazz Festival- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Joe Hardin, Stewart Melis, Alfred Thomas, Ariste Turner (horns) Wayne Bennett (g) Reggie Richards (el-b) George Weaver (d)

Montreux, July 13, 1989

Intro & Stormy Monday Malaco MAL2008

That's the way love is -

Medley : Further on up the road -

I pity the fool

Share your love -

I've got a right to know -

Medley : St. James infirmary -

I'll take care of you

Note : Rest of this double LP by Denise LaSalle, Johnnie Taylor and Mosley & Johnson, see there.

-Portraits of the blues- : Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by coll. pers. : Harrison Calloway, Mike Haynes (tp) Charles Rose (tb) Harvey Thompson (ts) Jim Horn (bar,bassax,as,fl) Clayton Ivey, Steve Nathan (keyboards) Duncan Cameron, Jimmy Johnson, Dino Zimmerman, Jack Pearson (g) David Hood, Ray Griffin (b) James Robertson (d) Roger Hawkins (d,perc) Mickey Buckins (perc) Stuart McDonald, Jorge Orbon, John DiPuccio, Geremy Miller, Mei Mei Luo, Marion Myzko (vln) David Chappel, Debbie Spring (viola) Steven Sigurosen (cello) Thomisene Anderson, Jewell Bass, Dorothy Moore (background vcl)

Jackson, MS., 1991

Ain't no love for sale Malaco MCD7458, 601 Music SXCD3103

Hurtin' love -

These are the things that a woman needs -

I can take you to heaven tonight -

The last one to know -

Just take my love -

I just won't be your fool anymore -

She's puttin' something in my food - , 2185

When hearts grow cold -

Let love have it's way - , -

-Years of tears- : Bobby Bland (vcl) acc. by Harrison Calloway (tp,horn arr.) Bob Cheesman, Jim Williamson (tp) Charles Rose (tb) Harvey Thompson (ts) Jim Horn (bar) Clayton Ivey (keyboards) Jimmy Johnson, Will McFarlane, Kelvin Holly (g) David Hood (el-b) Roger Hawkins (d) Thomisene Anderson, Jewel Bass, Valeria Kashimuri, Frederick Knight (background vcl)

Muscle Shoals, AL & Jackson, MS., 1993

Someone between right and wrong Malaco MCD7469

There's a stranger in my house - , 2195

Hole in the wall - , 2199

Years of tears to go -

Hurtin' time again - , 2195

I just tripped on a piece of your

broken heart - , 2199

Sweet lady love -

Love of mine -

I've got to have your love tonight -

You put the hurt on a hurtin' man -

-A Tribute to the late great Z.Z. Hill- : Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) with unknown acc

unknown loc. c. mid 1990 I'm a blues man Malaco MCD7474

Note : Rest of this CD by other artits.

-Sad street- : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by Harrison Calloway, Jim Williamson (tp) Charles Rose (tb) Dennis Solee (as) Harvey Thompson (ts) Jim Horn (bar,fl) Clayton Ivey (keyb,vib) Jimmy Johnson, Will McFarlane (g) David Hood (el-b) Roger Hawkins (d,perc) George Weaver (d) Alfredo Olivo, Yang Xi, John DiPuccio, Deann Burger, Geremy Miller,Stuart Mc Donald (vln-1) Debra Spring, David Chappell (viola1-1) Steven Sigurdson (cello-1) Thomisene Anderson, Jewel Bass, Quanda Brooks (background vcl-2)

Muscle Shoals, Sheffield, AL., 1995

Double trouble (long version) Malaco MCD7478, 2303

Double trouble (radio version) -

Sad street -

God bless the child that's got his own (1) -

Tonight's the night (It's gonna be alright) (1) -

My heart's been broken again (2) -

I've got a twenty room house -

Mind your own business -

I wanna tell you about the blues -

I had a dream last night -

Let's have some fun (2) -

Bobby "Blue" Bland (vcl) acc. by The Beat Daddys : Larry Grisham (hca) (g) (el-b) unknown (d)


I'm a blues man Malaco MAL7474

Note : Malaco MAL7474 (= Malaco MCD7474) entitled "Z. Zelebration : A Tribute to the Late Great Z.Z.

Hill", rest by other artists.

-Blues at midnight- : Bobby Blue Bland (vcl) acc. by Gary Armstrong, Vinnie Ciesielski, Steve Patrick, Jim Williamson (tp,flhrn) Charles Rose (tb,horn arr.) Doug Moffat (as,ts) Harvey Thompson (ts) Jim Horn (bar, fl) Clayton Ivey, Carson Whitsett (org,p,wurlitzer) Larry Byrom, Jimmy Johnson, Will McFarlane, Sam Mosley, Reggie Young (g) David Hood (el-b) Roger Hawkins, George Lawrence, James Robertson (d) James "Boo Boo" Davis, Vinnie Grizell (vcl) Jewel Bass, Valeria Kashimuri, Freddie Young (background vcl) Harrison Calloway (horn arr.)


Where do I go from here Malaco MCD7512

I caught the blues from someone else -

You hit the nail on the head -

I've got the blues at midnight -

Baby what's wrong with you -

What a wonderful world -

My Sunday's comin' soon -

This man-woman thing -

The only thing missing is you -

I'm a blues man -

Ghetto nights -